Sunday, January 8, 2012

Lesson Plans for January 9-13

Math: We will continue to learn about telling time.  We will be telling time in 5 minute intervals and to the minute (i.e. 3:41)

**50 problem subtraction speed drill will be given this week**

Reading:  Our story will be A Weed is a Flower (The Life of George Washington Carver).  We will discuss cause and effect.  As we read we will ask ourselves, "What is happening and why is it happening".  We will use "monitor and fix up" as we read. When we don't understand what we have read, we will STOP and go back to clear up any confusion.
                           **Test will be given on Thursday**  DIBELS test is this week.

Spelling: We will learn to read and write words with comparative endings (-er, -est).  Words that end with -er compare 2 things.  Words that end with -est compare 3 or more things.
                          *Test will be given on Friday*

Grammar:  We will continue to talk about verbs. We will learn about: am, is, are, was, were.
                         *Test will be given on Friday*

Social Science:  We will be talking about famous Alabamians.  We will discuss who they are and what they are famous for (Helen Keller, George Washington Carver, Rosa Parks,

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