Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September 16 - 20
This week will learn about the following:

Spelling:  We will be working on inflected endings (adding -s, -ed, and –ing) this week. Please review their spelling words with them each night.

Reading: This week we will be reading the story: A Walk in the Desert. The skills that we will be working on are: Main ideas and details.


Language: This week we will learn about imperative( command) and exclamatory(!) of a sentence along with writing and building complete sentences.


Social Science:  This week we will study landforms.


Math: This week we will continue learning about place value (ones, tens, and hundreds).We will introduce hundreds and expansion of numbers. (ex. 256 is 200+50+6)


On Thursday, September 19th, we will have the Reading test.  On Friday, September20th, tests will be given in Spelling, Language and Math.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Lesson Plans for May 21-25

Math: We will review basic multiplication and other skills previously taught this year.

Reading/Spelling: We will take the End of the Year benchmark test.  We will read and discuss fairy tales.

Social Science: We will discuss summer activities.  We will create crafts.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Lesson Plans for May 7-11

Math: We will begin learning about multiplication. We will use repeated addition and arrays.

Reading: Our story is A Birthday Basket for Tia. We learn to summarize the story as well as draw conclusions.

Spelling: We will learn to read and write words that end with –tion and –ture.

Grammar: We will learn when to place commas correctly in addresses, dates, and to separate 3 or more things in a sentence.

S.Science: We will be able to identify U.S. symbols and landmarks.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Lesson Plans for April 16-20

Math: We will learn the concept of probability.

Reading: We will review skills of Unit 5 and take Unit 5 benchmark test.

Spelling: We will review phonics skills taught in Unit 5 and take Unit 5 benchmark test.

Language: We will review pronouns and contractions. Unit 5 language test given will be given this week.

S.Science: We will identify vibration as a source of sound. We will discuss pitch and volume.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Lesson Plans for April 9-13

Mock ARMT will take place Tuesday through Friday. No homework will be sent home this week. Please make sure that your child gets plenty of sleep, a good breakfast, and is on time for school each day.

Math: We will estimate and measure capacity using different containers.  We will learn the terms: cup, pint, quart, liter.

Reading: We will read The Signmaker's Assistant. We will discuss realism and fantasy.

Spelling:  We will learn to read and write words with the a sound in fall. Spelling words will contain au, aw, augh, al.

Grammar:  We will learn to write contractions correctly.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Lesson Plans for March 19-23

Math: We will learn how to use a ruler to measure inches and centimeters.

Reading: Our story this week is Bad Dog, Dodger!  We will discuss the plot and theme of the story. Test will be given on Thursday.

Grammar: We will learn the pronouns I and me.

Spelling: Our words this week have silent consonant (kn-, gn-, wr-, -mb).

knock     sign     knee     wrong     write     climb     wrap      wren     gnat     lamb     comb

knob     knuckle     plumber     wrestle

Social Science: We will discover different types of clouds and the weather that goes with certain clouds.

A few reminders: Picture Day is Wednesday 3/21, Shaved Ice is now Friday 3/23

Monday, March 5, 2012

Lesson Plans for March 5 - 9

Math:  We will learn how to interpret data on a chart.  We will practice 3-digit addition and comparing 3 digit numbers with >, <, =.

Reading:  This week we will read Firefighter!  We will use the word structure of the story to find the main idea and details.

Spelling:  We will read and write words with suffixes (-ly, -ful, -or, -er). 

Grammar:  We are learning about pronouns this week.  We will practice using he, she, it they to replace nouns in a sentence.

Social Science:  We will discuss and learn more about different types of weather and the seasons.